Half Dome - Yosemite

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From k.durkin - Date: Thursday, 18 September 2003, 09:37:00

Comments: Joerg,

I checked out your site and it all worked great this time. You've got a lot of content there; tighten up on the clarity though. I know that's easier said than done, often hard to back away from our own work and see it in it's entirety but keep at it. Maybe a fusion between Star Trek and Spearhead, I don't know... like a parody or something.....like Franti doing a spoken word before the federation.


From trisha - Date: Tuesday, 02 September 2003, 10:08:37

Comments: well, you certainly have been busy over the past years 'coz there's a lot of information (and goodies) on your site. nice work, my friend.

but all this information does tend to crowd it all up a bit, making it somewhat tricky to find everything. i think it'll help to shorten the navigation menu and use more submenus. also, the design (colors and graphics) could benefit from more space.

shine on, 'trisha

From Jens Kroehnert - Date: Monday, 07 July 2003, 13:04:00

Comments: Aloha Joerg,

Deine eigene Seite find ich ja klasse, (das Framelayout kommt mir bekannt vor :) steckt ja voller Schaetzchen..

..wie viele Jahre liegen zwischen Deinen beiden Photos? Finde man koennte glauben, das vermeintlich juengere waere das aeltere..

Sieht so aus als waerst Du mit Franti schon per Du? cu Jens

From Michael Franti - Date: Thursday, 17 May 2001, 19:47:34

Comments: Joerg,
go ahead and use whatever you want for your page.

stay human, michael franti

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Guestbook entrieLast Update: Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 02:04:48

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