Half Dome - Yosemite


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San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center


The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center is a non-commercial, democratic collective of bay area independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network.

Save Darfur


Save Darfur
Around the country and across the globe, the Save Darfur Coalition is inspiring action, raising awareness and speaking truth to power on behalf of the people of Darfur. Working with world leaders, we are demanding an end to the genocide, and our efforts are getting results. The key to our success is the millions of everyday citizens who have joined our movement. With you and other committed activists by our side, we will end the genocide.

Search Magazine - formerly known as Science & Spirit


Published six times a year in Washington, DC, SEARCH is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian magazine exploring the intersection of science, religion, and culture. Our intellectually curious, educated readers have an interest in how technology, faith, ethics, and the arts connect in both global affairs and our everyday lives. With articles by award-winning journalists, scholars, and scientists, SEARCH is available on newsstands across the U.S., or by subscription from Heldref Publications.

Show Racism the Red Card


Show Racism the Red Card is an anti-racist charity, which was established in January 1996. The aim of our organisation is to produce anti-racist educational resources, which harness the high profile of professional footballers to combat racism.

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage


SOHO, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory, is a project of international collaboration between ESA and NASA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind.

Space Telescope Science Institute


Astronomy Resources at STScI

Spearhead Peace - Pointing Out the Imperfections and Solutions of the Human Race


Why DO humans think that they have the exclusive right to earth’s lands, seas and all non-human creatures? Is it because another human gives them a piece of paper saying that it’s theirs? Who gave the authorization to THAT human, another human? And that human?

Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Scientific ...)


great magazine about the science aspect of life

SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten


Politisches Nachrichten Magazin

Telescope Guide - Best Telescope Reviews, Advice, and More


Your One-Stop Resource for Getting Started with Telescopes & Astronomy Our goal is to spark a life-long passion for the wonder & beauty of the universe. Featuring education, inspiration, reviews, advice, and more.

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